7 easy steps to install virtual Windows XP on Windows 7
Step 1: Go to this site: Windows XP Mode. Then select your edition of Windows 7 and desired language for installation.
Step 2: Upon completing step 1 above, 3 download buttons will be shown under Download and install Windows XP Mode.
Click on the first button: Windows XP Mode. A validation window will then pop up on your screen, click Continue.
This process is to validate your copy of Windows. Wait for the validation process to run its course. If everything goes as it should, you should be able to see the following window, click Continue.
Your download should start automatically. If it doesn’t, it has probably been blocked by your pop up blocker. Run the download by clicking the yellow bar below the tabs bar in your browser, then click Download File.
Step 3: After completing the first download, click the other 2 buttons to download Windows Virtual PC and Windows XP Mode Update.
Step 4: You should have 3 installers by now. Run the first one: WindowsXPMode_en-us.exe. Follow through the installation process and wait for it to finish.
After finish installing WindowsXPMode_en-us, run the other 2 installers and restart your computer upon completion.
Step 5: Go to Start -> All Programs -> Windows Virtual PC -> Windows XP Mode to begin Windows XP Mode setup.
Tick to accept the agreement and then click Next.
Type in any password you like and this password will then be used to log on to your virtual Windows XP later.
The next screen will ask you if you want to turn on automatic windows update for your virtual Windows XP. It’s always good for you to turn it on. Click Next and Click Start Setup. Be patient and wait for the setup to finish.
Step 6: Upon completion of the setup, your virtual Windows XP should launch automatically. Log on to your Windows XP for the first time.
Step 7: Congratulation! you’ve successfully installed a virtual Windows XP on your Windows 7! Also, please share this tutorial with your friends, so everyone can discover this awesome free tutorial! You can do so easily by clicking any of the sharing methods of your choice from the cute floating box on your left. Thank you for reading! Feel free to leave us some comments.
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